path: root/lua/cmake-explorer/project.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lua/cmake-explorer/project.lua')
1 files changed, 272 insertions, 103 deletions
diff --git a/lua/cmake-explorer/project.lua b/lua/cmake-explorer/project.lua
index 7006656..ca77728 100644
--- a/lua/cmake-explorer/project.lua
+++ b/lua/cmake-explorer/project.lua
@@ -1,114 +1,283 @@
local config = require("cmake-explorer.config")
-local capabilities = require("cmake-explorer.capabilities")
-local FileApi = require("cmake-explorer.file_api")
local Path = require("plenary.path")
-local Scandir = require("plenary.scandir")
local utils = require("cmake-explorer.utils")
-local notif = require("cmake-explorer.notification")
+local FileApi = require("cmake-explorer.file_api")
+local VariantConfig = {}
+VariantConfig.__index = VariantConfig
+local variant_subs = {
+ ["${workspaceFolder}"] = vim.loop.cwd(),
+ ["${userHome}"] = vim.loop.os_homedir(),
+function VariantConfig:new(obj)
+ setmetatable(obj, VariantConfig)
+ obj.subs = obj:_subs()
+ obj.build_directory = obj:_build_directory()
+ obj.configure_args = obj:_configure_args()
+ obj.configure_command = obj:_configure_command()
+ obj.build_args = obj:_build_args()
+ obj.build_command = obj:_build_command()
+ if not obj.fileapis[obj.build_directory] then
+ local fa = FileApi:new(obj.build_directory)
+ if fa and fa:exists() then
+ fa:read_reply()
+ obj.fileapis[obj.build_directory] = fa
+ end
+ end
+ return obj
+function VariantConfig:_subs()
+ return vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", variant_subs, { ["${buildType}"] = self.buildType })
+function VariantConfig:_build_directory()
+ return utils.substitude(config.build_directory, self.subs)
+function VariantConfig:_configure_args()
+ local args = {}
+ if self.generator then
+ table.insert(args, "-G " .. '"' .. self.generator .. '"')
+ end
+ if self.buildType then
+ table.insert(args, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. self.buildType)
+ end
+ if self.linkage and string.lower(self.linkage) == "static" then
+ table.insert(args, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF")
+ elseif self.linkage and string.lower(self.linkage) == "shared" then
+ table.insert(args, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON")
+ end
+ for k, v in pairs(self.settings or {}) do
+ table.insert(args, "-D" .. k .. "=" .. v)
+ end
+ table.insert(args, "-DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON")
+ table.insert(
+ args,
+ "-B" .. Path:new(self.build_directory):make_relative(utils.substitude(config.source_directory, self.subs))
+ )
+ return args
+function VariantConfig:_configure_command()
+ local ret = {}
+ ret.cmd = config.cmake_path
+ ret.args = self.configure_args
+ ret.cwd = variant_subs["${workspaceFolder}"]
+ ret.env = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", self.env, config.configure_environment, config.environment)
+ ret.after_success = function()
+ utils.symlink_compile_commands(self.build_directory, variant_subs["${workspaceFolder}"])
+ self.fileapis[self.build_directory]:read_reply()
+ end
+ ret.before_run = function()
+ self.current_config_ref = self
+ local fa = FileApi:new(self.build_directory)
+ if not fa then
+ return
+ end
+ if not fa:create() then
+ return
+ end
+ self.fileapis[self.build_directory] = fa
+ return true
+ end
+ return ret
+function VariantConfig:_build_args()
+ local args = { "--build" }
+ table.insert(
+ args,
+ Path:new(self.build_directory):make_relative(utils.substitude(config.source_directory, self.subs))
+ )
+ if #self.buildArgs ~= 0 then
+ for _, v in ipairs(self.buildArgs) do
+ table.insert(args, v)
+ end
+ elseif #config.build_args ~= 0 then
+ for _, v in ipairs(config.build_args) do
+ table.insert(args, v)
+ end
+ end
+ if #self.buildToolArgs ~= 0 or #config.build_tool_args ~= 0 then
+ table.insert(args, "--")
+ if #self.buildToolArgs ~= 0 then
+ for _, v in ipairs(self.buildToolArgs) do
+ table.insert(args, v)
+ end
+ elseif #config.build_tool_args ~= 0 then
+ for _, v in ipairs(config.build_tool_args) do
+ table.insert(args, v)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return args
+function VariantConfig:_build_command()
+ local ret = {}
+ ret.cmd = config.cmake_path
+ ret.args = self.build_args
+ ret.cwd = variant_subs["${workspaceFolder}"]
+ ret.env = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", self.env, config.configure_environment, config.environment)
+ return ret
+local function cartesian_product(sets)
+ local function collapse_result(res)
+ local ret = {
+ short = {},
+ long = {},
+ buildType = nil,
+ linkage = nil,
+ generator = nil,
+ buildArgs = {},
+ buildToolArgs = {},
+ settings = {},
+ env = {},
+ }
+ local is_default = true
+ for _, v in ipairs(res) do
+ if not v.default then
+ is_default = false
+ end
+ ret.short[#ret.short + 1] = v.short
+ ret.long[#ret.long + 1] = v.long
+ ret.buildType = v.buildType or ret.buildType
+ ret.linkage = v.linkage or ret.linkage
+ ret.generator = v.generator or ret.generator
+ ret.buildArgs = v.buildArgs or ret.buildArgs
+ ret.buildToolArgs = v.buildToolArgs or ret.buildToolArgs
+ for sname, sval in pairs(v.settings or {}) do
+ ret.settings[sname] = sval
+ end
+ for ename, eres in pairs(v.env or {}) do
+ ret.env[ename] = eres
+ end
+ end
+ ret.display = {}
+ ret.display.short = table.concat(ret.short, config.variants_display.short_sep)
+ ret.display.long = table.concat(ret.long, config.variants_display.short_sep)
+ ret.default = is_default or nil
+ return ret
+ end
+ local result = {}
+ local set_count = #sets
+ local function descend(depth)
+ for k, v in pairs(sets[depth].choices) do
+ if sets[depth].default ~= k then
+ result.default = false
+ end
+ result[depth] = v
+ result[depth].default = (k == sets[depth].default)
+ if depth == set_count then
+ coroutine.yield(collapse_result(result))
+ else
+ descend(depth + 1)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return coroutine.wrap(function()
+ descend(1)
+ end)
local Project = {}
Project.__index = Project
-function Project:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- local path
- if type(o) == "string" then
- path = o
- elseif type(o) == "table" and o.path then
- path = o.path
- else
- return
- end
- if not Path:new(path, "CMakeLists.txt"):exists() then
- return
- end
- local obj = {
- path = Path:new(path):absolute(),
- fileapis = {},
- last_generate = {},
- }
- setmetatable(obj, Project)
- return obj
-function Project:scan_build_dirs()
- local builds_root = utils.is_eq(
- Path:new(config.build_dir):absolute(),
- true,
- config.build_dir,
- Path:new(self.path, config.build_dir):absolute()
- )
- local candidates = Scandir.scan_dir(builds_root, { hidden = false, only_dirs = true, depth = 0, silent = true })
- for _, v in ipairs(candidates) do
- local fa = FileApi:new(v)
- if fa and fa:exists() and fa:read_reply() then
- self.fileapis[v] = fa
- end
- end
-function Project:symlink_compile_commands(path)
- local src = Path:new(path, "compile_commands.json")
- if src:exists() then
- vim.cmd(
- 'silent exec "!'
- .. config.cmake_cmd
- .. " -E create_symlink "
- .. src:absolute()
- .. " "
- .. Path:new(self.path, "compile_commands.json"):absolute()
- .. '"'
- )
- end
-function Project:configure(params)
- params = params or {}
- local args = utils.generate_args(params, self.path)
- local build_dir = utils.build_path(params, self.path)
- if not args then
- return
- end
- if not self.fileapis[build_dir] then
- local fa = FileApi:new(build_dir)
- if not fa then
- notif.notify("Cannot fileapi object", vim.log.levels.ERROR)
- return
- end
- if not fa:create() then
- return
- end
- self.fileapis[build_dir] = fa
- end
- return {
- cmd = config.cmake_cmd,
- args = args,
- cwd = Path:new(self.path):absolute(),
- after_success = function()
- self.last_generate = build_dir
- self.fileapis[build_dir]:read_reply()
- self:symlink_compile_commands(build_dir)
- end,
- }
-function Project:configure_last()
- return self:configure(self.last_generate)
-function Project:list_build_dirs()
- local ret = {}
- for k, _ in pairs(self.fileapis) do
- local build = {}
- build.path = k
- table.insert(ret, build)
- end
- return ret
+function Project:from_variants(variants)
+ local obj =
+ { headers = {}, display = { short_len = 10, long_len = 30 }, configs = {}, current_config = nil, fileapis = {} }
+ for _, v in pairs(variants) do
+ table.insert(obj.headers, v.description or "")
+ end
+ for v in cartesian_product(variants) do
+ v.fileapis = obj.fileapis
+ v.current_config_ref = obj.current_config
+ v = VariantConfig:new(v)
+ obj.display.short_len = math.max(obj.display.short_len, string.len(v.display.short))
+ table.insert(obj.configs, v)
+ if v.default then
+ obj.current_config = v
+ end
+ if not obj.fileapis[v.build_directory] then
+ local fa = FileApi:new(v.build_directory)
+ if fa and fa:exists() then
+ fa:read_reply()
+ obj.fileapis[v.build_directory] = fa
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ setmetatable(obj, Project)
+ return obj
+function Project:from_presets(presets)
+ local obj = { { 1, 3, ddf = "" } }
+ return setmetatable(obj, self)
+function Project:set_current_config(idx)
+ self.current_config = self.configs[idx]
+function Project:set_current_build() end
+function Project:configure_command()
+ return self.current_config.configure_command
+function Project:current_configure_index()
+ for k, v in ipairs(self.configs) do
+ if v == self.current_config then
+ return k
+ end
+ end
+ return 1
+function Project:current_build_index()
+ if not self.current_config then
+ return 1
+ end
+ if getmetatable(self.current_config) == VariantConfig then
+ return 1
+ end
+function Project:configure_display_options()
+ return self.display_options
+function Project:build_command()
+ if not self.current_config then
+ return
+ end
+ if getmetatable(self.current_config) == VariantConfig then
+ return self.current_config.build_command
+ end
+function Project:build_directory()
+ if not self.current_config then
+ return
+ end
+ return self.current_config.build_directory
+function Project:list_configs()
+ return self.configs
+function Project:list_builds(opts)
+ if getmetatable(self.current_config) == VariantConfig then
+ return { self.current_config }
+ end
return Project