path: root/lua/cmake/commands.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lua/cmake/commands.lua')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/lua/cmake/commands.lua b/lua/cmake/commands.lua
index c2f6e75..d763958 100644
--- a/lua/cmake/commands.lua
+++ b/lua/cmake/commands.lua
@@ -1,39 +1,88 @@
+local commandline = require("cmake.commandline")
+local actions = require("cmake.actions")
local M = {}
local cmd = vim.api.nvim_create_user_command
-M.register_commands = function()
- cmd("CMakeGenerate", function()
- require("cmake.actions").generate()
- end, { desc = "Generate with last configuration" })
- cmd("CMakeGenerateSelect", function()
- require("cmake.actions").generate_select()
- end, { desc = "Select configuration and generate" })
- cmd("CMakeBuild", function()
- require("cmake.actions").build()
- end, { desc = "Build with last build option" })
+local prefix = "CMake"
- cmd("CMakeBuildSelect", function()
- require("cmake.actions").build_select()
- end, { desc = "Select build option and build" })
+local commands = {
+ ["Generate"] = {
+ command = actions.generate,
+ parse = true,
+ default_opts = { fresh = false },
+ cmd_opts = {
+ desc = "Generate with last configuration",
+ nargs = "*",
+ complete = commandline.cmake_generate_complete,
+ },
+ },
+ ["GenerateExplain"] = {
+ command = actions.generate_explain,
+ parse = true,
+ default_opts = { fresh = false },
+ cmd_opts = {
+ desc = "Explain current generate command",
+ nargs = "*",
+ complete = commandline.cmake_generate_complete,
+ },
+ },
+ ["GenerateSelect"] = {
+ command = actions.generate_select,
+ cmd_opts = { desc = "Select generate configuration" },
+ },
+ ["Build"] = {
+ command = actions.build,
+ parse = true,
+ cmd_opts = {
+ desc = "Build with last configuration",
+ nargs = "*",
+ complete = commandline.cmake_build_complete,
+ },
+ },
+ ["BuildExplain"] = {
+ command = actions.build_explain,
+ parse = true,
+ cmd_opts = {
+ desc = "Explain current build command",
+ nargs = "*",
+ complete = commandline.cmake_build_complete,
+ },
+ },
+ ["BuildSelect"] = {
+ command = actions.build_select,
+ cmd_opts = { desc = "Select build configuration" },
+ },
+ -- ["Install"] = {},
+ ["Run"] = {
+ command = actions.run_target,
+ cmd_opts = { desc = "Run current executable target", nargs = "*" },
+ },
+ ["RunSelect"] = {
+ command = actions.run_target_select,
+ cmd_opts = { desc = "Select executable target" },
+ },
+ ["Toggle"] = {
+ command = actions.toggle,
+ cmd_opts = { desc = "Toggle cmake terminal" },
+ },
+ ["EditVariants"] = {
+ command = actions.edit_variants,
+ cmd_opts = { desc = "Edit variants" },
+ },
- cmd("CMakeRun", function()
- require("cmake.actions").run_tagret()
- end, { desc = "Select build option and build" })
- cmd("CMakeRunSelect", function()
- require("cmake.actions").run_tagret_select()
- end, { desc = "Select build option and build" })
- cmd("CMakeToggle", function()
- require("cmake.actions").toggle()
- end, { desc = "Toggle terminal with cmake command" })
- cmd("CMakeEditVariants", function()
- require("cmake.actions").edit_variants()
- end, { desc = "Edit variants" })
+M.register_commands = function()
+ for k, v in pairs(commands) do
+ cmd(prefix .. k, function(opts)
+ local action_opts = v.default_opts or {}
+ if v.parse then
+ action_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("keep", commandline.parse(opts.args) or {}, action_opts)
+ end
+ v.command(action_opts)
+ end, v.cmd_opts)
+ end
return M