path: root/lua/cmake/project.lua
diff options
authorDaniil Rozanov <daniilrozzanov@gmail.com>2024-05-03 01:24:29 +0300
committerDaniil Rozanov <daniilrozzanov@gmail.com>2024-05-03 01:24:29 +0300
commit1caad46f40e1965e4bf0cc68d98f341bc4310d8c (patch)
tree622cab831bb5354cbb7be72ab213617652199818 /lua/cmake/project.lua
parentbbe3a27633002d9eb37c98603e34a00e9ea9d962 (diff)
docs: lua documentation for most used tables and functions
Diffstat (limited to 'lua/cmake/project.lua')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/lua/cmake/project.lua b/lua/cmake/project.lua
index 36e2645..f5afde2 100644
--- a/lua/cmake/project.lua
+++ b/lua/cmake/project.lua
@@ -9,10 +9,34 @@ local Project = {}
local initialised = false
+---@type CMakeGenerateOption[]
local configs = {}
+---@type number|nil
local current_config = nil
+---@type CMakeFileApi[]
local fileapis = {}
+---@class CMakeGenerateOption Initial configuration, which defines generation stage, it's build stages, it's targets and other artifacts produced by `cmake -S <source_dir> -B <build_dir> ...` command
+---@field generate_command CMakeCommand Command which will be executed on generate stage
+---@field directory string Absolute path to build directory created after generate stage
+---@field build_options CMakeBuildOption[] Build options available for this generate options. Each build option have it's generate option scope
+---@field current_build number Current build option's index
+---@field name string[] Parts of short name to display. Should be concatenated with delimiter
+---@field long_name string[] Parts of long name to display. Should be concatenated with delimiter
+---@class CMakeBuildOption Option corresponding to build stage
+---@field command CMakeCommand Command which will be executed on build stage
+---@field name string[] Parts of short name to display. Should be concatenated with delimiter
+---@field long_name string[] Parts of long name to display. Should be concatenated with delimiter
+---@class CMakeCommand Command table to pass to any kind of runner or task manager
+---@field cmd string Path to executable command
+---@field args string|nil Command's arguments
+---@field env {[string]:string}[]|nil Environvemt variables
+---@field cwd string Current working directory
+---@field after_success function|nil Function which neends to be invoked after command succesfully executed
+--- Set internal variables to default
local reset_internals = function()
configs = {}
current_config = nil
@@ -20,6 +44,8 @@ local reset_internals = function()
initialised = true
+--- Set `after_success` function to each command which may be executed.
+--- These functions do minimal to plugin works
local append_after_success_actions = function()
local read_reply = function(v, not_presented)
if (not_presented and not fileapis[v.directory]) or not not_presented then
@@ -42,6 +68,7 @@ local append_after_success_actions = function()
+--- Clear existing fileapis and read from available build directories
local init_fileapis = function()
fileapis = {}
for _, v in ipairs(configs) do
@@ -60,6 +87,9 @@ end
-- TODO: validate yaml and fallback to config's variants if not valid
-- TODO: make variants order more stable. at least when reading from file
+---Initialise project from variants
+---@param variants table
function Project.from_variants(variants)
local variants_copy = vim.deepcopy(variants)
local list_variants = {}
@@ -82,6 +112,7 @@ function Project.from_variants(variants)
+--- Delete `CMakeCache.txt` and `CMakeFiles` from current build directory
function Project.clear_cache()
local cd = Project.current_directory()
local Path = require("plenary.path")
@@ -96,31 +127,43 @@ function Project.clear_cache()
-- end)
-function Project.generate_options(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
+--- Get all project's generate configs
+--- @return CMakeGenerateOption[]
+function Project.generate_options()
return configs
---TODO: remove opts where it is useless
-function Project.current_generate_option(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
+--- Get current generate option
+---@return unknown
+function Project.current_generate_option()
assert(current_config, "No current project config")
return configs[current_config]
+---Get current generate option's index
+---@return number|nil
function Project.current_generate_option_idx()
return current_config
+--- Set current generate option by index
+--- @param idx number
function Project.set_current_generate_option(idx)
+ assert(
+ not (idx < 1 or idx > #configs),
+ "Index is out of range. Index is " .. idx .. " for " .. #configs .. " config(s)"
+ )
current_config = idx
---TODO: check on out of range
+--- Current build option's index
+---@return number
function Project.current_build_option_idx()
return configs[current_config].current_build
+---Current build option
+---@return CMakeBuildOption|nil
function Project.current_build_option()
if not Project.current_build_option_idx() then
return nil
@@ -128,14 +171,22 @@ function Project.current_build_option()
return configs[current_config].build_options[Project.current_build_option_idx()]
+--- Set current build option by index
+--- @param idx number
function Project.set_current_build_option(idx)
+ local _size = #Project[current_config].build_options
+ assert(not (idx < 1 or idx > _size), "Index is out of range. Index is " .. idx .. " for " .. _size .. "config(s)")
configs[current_config].current_build = idx
+---Current build directory (usually `build-<...>`)
+---@return string|nil
function Project.current_directory()
return current_config and configs[current_config].directory or nil
+---Current fileapi
+---@return CMakeFileApi|nil
local current_fileapi = function()
if not Project.current_directory() or not fileapis[Project.current_directory()] then
return nil
@@ -143,10 +194,20 @@ local current_fileapi = function()
return fileapis[Project.current_directory()]
+---Set current executable target by it's index
+---@param idx number
function Project.set_current_executable_target(idx)
+ assert(not current_fileapi())
+ assert(
+ not (idx < 1 or idx > #current_fileapi().targets),
+ "Index is out of range. Index is " .. idx .. " for " .. #current_fileapi().targets(" target(s)")
+ )
+ assert(current_fileapi().targets[idx].type == "EXECUTABLE", "target is not executable")
current_fileapi().current_executable_target = idx
+---Current executable target's index
+---@return number|nil
function Project.current_executable_target_idx()
local _curr_fileapi = current_fileapi()
if not _curr_fileapi then
@@ -155,6 +216,8 @@ function Project.current_executable_target_idx()
return _curr_fileapi.current_executable_target
+---Current executable target
+---@return CMakeFileApiTarget|nil
function Project.current_executable_target()
local _curr_fileapi = current_fileapi()
if not _curr_fileapi then
@@ -167,6 +230,9 @@ function Project.current_executable_target()
return _curr_fileapi.targets[_curr_exe_target_idx]
+---Targets for current generate option (configuration)
+---@param opts {type: string|nil}|nil Filter parameters
+---@return CMakeFileApiTarget[]|nil
function Project.current_targets(opts)
opts = opts or {}
local _curr_fileapi = current_fileapi()
@@ -181,6 +247,11 @@ function Project.current_targets(opts)
return _curr_fileapi.targets
+--TODO: opts -> config identifier (which can be number, string or configuration table)
+---Create `query.json` file so `cmake` will produce reply directory
+---@param opts {idx:number, path:string, config:CMakeGenerateOption}|nil Specity configuration to generate query
+---@param callback function Callback. Will be executed after query created or if it already exists
function Project.create_fileapi_query(opts, callback)
opts = opts or {}
local path
@@ -221,6 +292,9 @@ local do_setup = function(opts)
+---Setup project, which means get capabilities, create configurations from presets or variants
+---and read fileapis
+---@param opts {first_time_only: boolean}|nil
function Project.setup(opts)
opts = opts or {}
if opts.first_time_only and initialised then