path: root/lua/cmake/terminal.lua
diff options
authorDaniil Rozanov <daniilrozzanov@gmail.com>2024-05-02 00:15:28 +0300
committerDaniil Rozanov <daniilrozzanov@gmail.com>2024-05-02 00:15:28 +0300
commit54c147c88537a682e5f926ea391c14ae31c80f82 (patch)
treee03a5befb6eb31f95f0748840386eb7eac360051 /lua/cmake/terminal.lua
parentebf15bdda1a1c53f4ce91681b1244e2159654ff4 (diff)
feat: new commands and some refactoring
Diffstat (limited to 'lua/cmake/terminal.lua')
1 files changed, 75 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/lua/cmake/terminal.lua b/lua/cmake/terminal.lua
index 358d731..d1d8a75 100644
--- a/lua/cmake/terminal.lua
+++ b/lua/cmake/terminal.lua
@@ -1,32 +1,39 @@
-local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
-local ui = require("toggleterm.ui")
local config = require("cmake.config")
+local api = vim.api
local M = {}
-local cmake
+local cmake = {
+ bufnr = nil,
+ window = nil,
+ jobid = nil,
local runnable
---TODO: cmake must be an id, not terminal
+local prepare_cmake_buf = function()
+ if cmake.bufnr and api.nvim_buf_is_valid(cmake.bufnr) then
+ api.nvim_buf_delete(cmake.bufnr, { force = true })
+ end
+ cmake.bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(false, false)
-M.cmake_execute = function(command, opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- if cmake then
- cmake:shutdown()
- cmake = nil
+local termopen = function(command, opts)
+ -- For some reason termopen() doesn't like an empty env table
+ if command.env and vim.tbl_isempty(command.env) then
+ command.env = nil
- local term_opts = {
- direction = config.terminal.direction,
- display_name = config.terminal.display_name,
- hidden = config.terminal.hidden,
- clear_env = config.terminal.clear_env,
- cmd = command.cmd .. " " .. command.args,
- -- env = command.env,
- on_exit = function(t, pid, code, name)
+ vim.fn.termopen(command.cmd .. " " .. command.args, {
+ -- detach = 1,
+ cwd = command.cwd,
+ env = command.env,
+ clear_env = config.clear_env,
+ on_exit = function(pid, code, event)
if code == 0 then
- if config.terminal.close_on_exit == "success" then
- t:close()
+ if config.cmake_terminal.close_on_exit == "success" or config.cmake_terminal.close_on_exit == true then
+ api.nvim_win_close(cmake.window, true)
if config.notification.after == "success" or config.notification.after == true then
@@ -34,56 +41,68 @@ M.cmake_execute = function(command, opts)
- elseif config.notification.after == "failure" or config.notification.after == true then
- local msg = "CMake failed. Code " .. tostring(code)
- local opt_msg = vim.tbl_get(opts, "notify", "err_message")
- if type(opt_msg) == "string" then
- msg = opt_msg
- elseif type(opt_msg) == "function" then
- msg = opt_msg(code)
+ else
+ if config.notification.after == "failure" or config.notification.after == true then
+ local msg = "CMake failed. Code " .. tostring(code)
+ local opt_msg = vim.tbl_get(opts, "notify", "err_message")
+ if type(opt_msg) == "string" then
+ msg = opt_msg
+ elseif type(opt_msg) == "function" then
+ msg = opt_msg(code)
+ end
+ vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.ERROR)
- vim.notify(msg, vim.log.levels.ERROR)
- on_open = function(t)
- t:set_mode("n")
- end,
- }
- term_opts.close_on_exit = type(config.terminal.close_on_exit) == "boolean" and config.terminal.close_on_exit
- or false
- cmake = Terminal:new(term_opts)
- cmake:open()
- if not config.terminal.focus and cmake:is_focused() then
- ui.goto_previous()
- ui.stopinsert()
+ })
+local open_window = function()
+ if not cmake.bufnr then
+ vim.notify("No CMake buffer created yet", vim.log.levels.INFO)
+ return
+ cmake.window = api.nvim_open_win(cmake.bufnr, config.cmake_terminal.enter, {
+ win = 0,
+ split = config.cmake_terminal.split,
+ height = config.cmake_terminal.size,
+ width = config.cmake_terminal.size,
+ })
+M.cmake_execute = function(command, opts)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ prepare_cmake_buf()
+ if config.cmake_terminal.open_on_start and not (cmake.window and api.nvim_win_is_valid(cmake.window)) then
+ open_window()
+ end
+ vim.api.nvim_buf_call(cmake.bufnr, function()
+ termopen(command, opts)
+ end)
M.cmake_toggle = function()
- if cmake then
- cmake:toggle()
+ if cmake.window and api.nvim_win_is_valid(cmake.window) then
+ api.nvim_win_close(cmake.window, true)
- vim.notify("No CMake terminal")
+ open_window()
M.target_execute = function(command, opts)
opts = opts or {}
- local term_opts = {
- direction = config.runner_terminal.direction,
- close_on_exit = config.runner_terminal.close_on_exit,
- hidden = config.runner_terminal.hidden,
- clear_env = config.clear_env,
- }
- if not runnable then
- runnable = Terminal:new(term_opts)
- end
- if not runnable:is_open() then
- runnable:open()
- end
- if command.cmd then
- runnable:send(command.cmd, not config.runner_terminal.focus)
- end
+ local bufnr = api.nvim_create_buf(true, false)
+ api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, config.target_terminal.enter, {
+ win = 0,
+ split = config.target_terminal.split,
+ height = config.target_terminal.size,
+ width = config.target_terminal.size,
+ })
+ api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function()
+ vim.cmd.terminal()
+ api.nvim_chan_send(vim.bo.channel, command.cwd .. "/" .. command.cmd)
+ end)
return M