path: root/lua/cmake-explorer/utils.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'lua/cmake-explorer/utils.lua')
1 files changed, 44 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/lua/cmake-explorer/utils.lua b/lua/cmake-explorer/utils.lua
index e944642..61b5c98 100644
--- a/lua/cmake-explorer/utils.lua
+++ b/lua/cmake-explorer/utils.lua
@@ -2,75 +2,40 @@ local config = require("cmake-explorer.config")
local capabilities = require("cmake-explorer.capabilities")
local Path = require("plenary.path")
-local utils = {
- plugin_prefix = "CM",
+local utils = {}
-utils.build_dir_name = function(params)
- if capabilities.is_multiconfig_generator(params.generator) then
- return config.build_dir_template[1]
- else
- local paths = {}
- for k, v in ipairs(config.build_dir_template) do
- local path = v:gsub("${buildType}", params.build_type)
- if k ~= 1 and config.build_dir_template.case then
- if config.build_dir_template.case == "lower" then
- path = string.lower(path)
- elseif config.build_dir_template.case == "upper" then
- path = string.upper(path)
- end
- end
- table.insert(paths, path)
- end
- return table.concat(paths, config.build_dir_template.sep)
- end
-utils.build_path = function(params, source_dir)
- if type(params) == "string" then
- return params
- end
+utils.build_path = function(build_dir, source_dir)
local build_path = Path:new(config.build_dir)
if build_path:is_absolute() then
- return (build_path / utils.build_dir_name(params)):absolute()
+ return (build_path / build_dir):absolute()
- return Path:new(source_dir, build_path, utils.build_dir_name(params)):absolute()
+ return Path:new(build_path, build_dir):normalize()
-utils.generate_args = function(params, source_dir)
- local ret = {}
- if type(params) == "string" then
- table.insert(ret, "-B" .. Path:new(params):make_relative(source_dir))
- else
- if params.preset then
- table.insert(ret, "--preset " .. params.preset)
- else
- if params.generator and vim.tbl_contains(capabilities.generators(), params.generator) then
- table.insert(ret, "-G" .. params.generator)
- end
- params.build_type = params.build_type or config.build_types[1]
- if params.build_type then
- table.insert(ret, "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=" .. params.build_type)
- end
- if type(params.args) == "table" then
- for k, v in pairs(params.args) do
- table.insert(ret, "-D" .. k .. "=" .. v)
- end
- elseif type(params.args) == "string" then
- table.insert(ret, params.args)
- end
- table.insert(ret, "-B" .. Path:new(utils.build_path(params, source_dir)):make_relative(source_dir))
- end
+utils.substitude = function(str, subs)
+ local ret = str
+ for k, v in pairs(subs) do
+ ret = ret:gsub(k, v)
return ret
+function utils.symlink_compile_commands(src_path, dst_path)
+ local src = Path:new(src_path, "compile_commands.json")
+ if src:exists() then
+ vim.cmd(
+ 'silent exec "!'
+ .. config.cmake_path
+ .. " -E create_symlink "
+ .. src:normalize()
+ .. " "
+ .. Path:new(dst_path, "compile_commands.json"):normalize()
+ .. '"'
+ )
+ end
utils.is_eq = function(val, cmp, if_eq, if_not_eq)
if val == cmp then
if if_eq then
@@ -103,4 +68,25 @@ utils.is_neq = function(val, cmp, if_eq, if_not_eq)
+utils.make_maplike_list = function(proj)
+ local mt = {}
+ mt.__index = function(t, k)
+ for _, value in ipairs(t) do
+ if proj(value) == k then
+ return value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v)
+ for key, value in ipairs(t) do
+ if proj(value) == k then
+ rawset(t, key, v)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ rawset(t, #t + 1, v)
+ end
+ return mt
return utils