path: root/lua/cmake/actions.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lua/cmake/actions.lua')
1 files changed, 158 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/lua/cmake/actions.lua b/lua/cmake/actions.lua
index 230e1e3..b910a2c 100644
--- a/lua/cmake/actions.lua
+++ b/lua/cmake/actions.lua
@@ -10,42 +10,43 @@ local uv = vim.uv
local M = {}
local default_generate_exe_opts = {
- notify = {
- ok_message = "CMake generate finished",
- err_message = function(code)
- return "CMake generate failed with code " .. tostring(code)
- end,
- },
+ notify = {
+ ok_message = "CMake generate finished",
+ err_message = function(code)
+ return "CMake generate failed with code " .. tostring(code)
+ end,
+ },
local default_build_exe_opts = {
- notify = {
- ok_message = "CMake build finished",
- err_message = function(code)
- return "CMake build failed with code " .. tostring(code)
- end,
- },
+ notify = {
+ ok_message = "CMake build finished",
+ err_message = function(code)
+ return "CMake build failed with code " .. tostring(code)
+ end,
+ },
local _explain = function(command)
- vim.notify(
- table.concat({
- table.concat(
- vim.iter(command.env or {})
- :map(function(k, v)
- if v:find(" ") then
- return k .. '="' .. v .. '"'
- end
- return k .. "=" .. v
- end)
- :totable(),
- " "
- ),
- command.cmd,
- command.args,
- }, " "),
- vim.log.levels.INFO
- )
+ vim.notify(
+ table.concat({
+ table.concat(
+ vim
+ .iter(command.env or {})
+ :map(function(k, v)
+ if v:find(" ") then
+ return k .. '="' .. v .. '"'
+ end
+ return k .. "=" .. v
+ end)
+ :totable(),
+ " "
+ ),
+ command.cmd,
+ command.args,
+ }, " "),
+ vim.log.levels.INFO
+ )
--- Extends generate command by given options
@@ -53,9 +54,9 @@ end
---@param opts GenerateOpts
---@return table
local _extend_generate_command = function(command, opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- local new = vim.deepcopy(command)
- return new
+ opts = opts or {}
+ local new = vim.deepcopy(command)
+ return new
--- Extends build command by given options
@@ -63,41 +64,41 @@ end
---@param opts BuildOpts
---@return table
local _extend_build_command = function(command, opts)
- local new = vim.deepcopy(command)
- if opts.j then
- new.args = new.args .. " -j " .. tostring(opts.j)
- end
- if opts.clean then
- new.args = new.args .. " --clean-first"
- end
- if opts.target and #opts.target ~= 0 then
- new.args = new.args .. " --target " .. table.concat(opts.target, " ")
- end
- return new
+ local new = vim.deepcopy(command)
+ if opts.j then
+ new.args = new.args .. " -j " .. tostring(opts.j)
+ end
+ if opts.clean then
+ new.args = new.args .. " --clean-first"
+ end
+ if opts.target and #opts.target ~= 0 then
+ new.args = new.args .. " --target " .. table.concat(opts.target, " ")
+ end
+ return new
local _generate = function(option, opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- local main_path = function()
- pr.create_fileapi_query({}, function()
- vim.schedule(function()
- t.cmake_execute(_extend_generate_command(option.generate_command, opts), default_generate_exe_opts)
- end)
- end)
- end
- if opts.fresh then
- pr.clear_cache()
- end
- main_path()
+ opts = opts or {}
+ local main_path = function()
+ pr.create_fileapi_query({}, function()
+ vim.schedule(function()
+ t.cmake_execute(_extend_generate_command(option.generate_command, opts), default_generate_exe_opts)
+ end)
+ end)
+ end
+ if opts.fresh then
+ pr.clear_cache()
+ end
+ main_path()
local _for_current_generate_option = function(func)
- local idx = pr.current_generate_option_idx()
- if not idx then
- vim.notify("CMake: no configuration to generate", vim.log.levels.WARN)
- else
- func(pr.current_generate_option())
- end
+ local idx = pr.current_generate_option_idx()
+ if not idx then
+ vim.notify("CMake: no configuration to generate", vim.log.levels.WARN)
+ else
+ func(pr.current_generate_option())
+ end
---@class GenerateOpts
@@ -106,55 +107,55 @@ end
--- Generate project with current generate option
--- @param opts GenerateOpts
M.generate = function(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- _for_current_generate_option(function(option)
- _generate(option, opts)
- end)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ _for_current_generate_option(function(option)
+ _generate(option, opts)
+ end)
--- Generate project with current generate option
--- @param opts GenerateOpts
M.generate_explain = function(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- _for_current_generate_option(function(option)
- _explain(_extend_generate_command(option.generate_command, opts))
- end)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ _for_current_generate_option(function(option)
+ _explain(_extend_generate_command(option.generate_command, opts))
+ end)
--- Generate project with current generate option
--- @param opts table|nil
M.generate_select = function(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- local items = pr.generate_options(opts)
- vim.ui.select(items, {
- prompt = "Select configuration to generate:",
- format_item = function(item)
- return table.concat(item.name, config.variants_display.short.sep)
- end,
- }, function(_, idx)
- if not idx then
- return
- end
- pr.set_current_generate_option(idx)
- end)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ local items = pr.generate_options(opts)
+ vim.ui.select(items, {
+ prompt = "Select configuration to generate:",
+ format_item = function(item)
+ return table.concat(item.name, config.variants_display.short.sep)
+ end,
+ }, function(_, idx)
+ if not idx then
+ return
+ end
+ pr.set_current_generate_option(idx)
+ end)
local _for_current_build_option = function(func)
- local idx = pr.current_build_option()
- if not idx then
- vim.notify("CMake: no build configuration to generate", vim.log.levels.WARN)
- else
- func(pr.current_build_option())
- end
+ local idx = pr.current_build_option()
+ if not idx then
+ vim.notify("CMake: no build configuration to generate", vim.log.levels.WARN)
+ else
+ func(pr.current_build_option())
+ end
local _build = function(option, opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- pr.create_fileapi_query({}, function()
- vim.schedule(function()
- t.cmake_execute(_extend_build_command(option.command, opts), default_build_exe_opts)
- end)
- end)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ pr.create_fileapi_query({}, function()
+ vim.schedule(function()
+ t.cmake_execute(_extend_build_command(option.command, opts), default_build_exe_opts)
+ end)
+ end)
---@class BuildOpts
@@ -165,44 +166,44 @@ end
--- Build project with current build option
--- @param opts BuildOpts
M.build = function(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- _for_current_build_option(function(option)
- _build(option, opts)
- end)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ _for_current_build_option(function(option)
+ _build(option, opts)
+ end)
--- Build project with current build option
--- @param opts BuildOpts
M.build_explain = function(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- _for_current_build_option(function(option)
- _explain(_extend_build_command(option.command, opts))
- end)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ _for_current_build_option(function(option)
+ _explain(_extend_build_command(option.command, opts))
+ end)
---Change current build option
---@param opts any|nil
M.build_select = function(opts)
- local items = pr.current_generate_option().build_options
- vim.ui.select(items, {
- prompt = "Select build option to generate:",
- format_item = function(item)
- return table.concat(item.name, config.variants_display.short.sep)
- end,
- }, function(_, idx)
- if not idx then
- return
- end
- pr.set_current_build_option(idx)
- end)
+ local items = pr.current_generate_option().build_options
+ vim.ui.select(items, {
+ prompt = "Select build option to generate:",
+ format_item = function(item)
+ return table.concat(item.name, config.variants_display.short.sep)
+ end,
+ }, function(_, idx)
+ if not idx then
+ return
+ end
+ pr.set_current_build_option(idx)
+ end)
local _run_target = function(opts)
- local command = {
- cmd = opts.path,
- cwd = pr.current_directory(),
- }
- t.target_execute(command)
+ local command = {
+ cmd = opts.path,
+ cwd = pr.current_directory(),
+ }
+ t.target_execute(command)
---@class RunTargetOpts
@@ -211,58 +212,58 @@ end
--- Run target
--- @param opts RunTargetOpts
M.run_target = function(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- local _curr_exe_cmd = pr.current_executable_target()
- if not _curr_exe_cmd then
- M.run_target_select(opts)
- else
- _run_target({ path = _curr_exe_cmd.path })
- end
+ opts = opts or {}
+ local _curr_exe_cmd = pr.current_executable_target()
+ if not _curr_exe_cmd then
+ M.run_target_select(opts)
+ else
+ _run_target({ path = _curr_exe_cmd.path })
+ end
--- Select target to run
M.run_target_select = function(opts)
- opts = opts or {}
- opts.type = "EXECUTABLE"
- local items = pr.current_targets(opts)
- vim.ui.select(items, {
- prompt = "Select tagret to run:",
- format_item = function(item)
- return item.name
- end,
- }, function(_, idx)
- if not idx then
- return
- end
- pr.set_current_executable_target(idx)
- end)
+ opts = opts or {}
+ opts.type = "EXECUTABLE"
+ local items = pr.current_targets(opts)
+ vim.ui.select(items, {
+ prompt = "Select tagret to run:",
+ format_item = function(item)
+ return item.name
+ end,
+ }, function(_, idx)
+ if not idx then
+ return
+ end
+ pr.set_current_executable_target(idx)
+ end)
---Toggle CMake terminal window
M.toggle = function()
- t.cmake_toggle()
+ t.cmake_toggle()
---Edit `.cmake-variants.yaml` file
M.edit_variants = function()
- utils.file_exists(constants.variants_yaml_filename, function(variants_exists)
- if variants_exists then
- vim.schedule(function()
- vim.cmd(string.format("e %s", constants.variants_yaml_filename))
- end)
- else
- local default_yaml = require("cmake.lyaml").dump(config.variants)
- utils.write_file(constants.variants_yaml_filename, default_yaml, function()
- vim.schedule(function()
- vim.cmd(string.format("e %s", constants.variants_yaml_filename))
- end)
- end)
- end
- end)
+ utils.file_exists(constants.variants_yaml_filename, function(variants_exists)
+ if variants_exists then
+ vim.schedule(function()
+ vim.cmd(string.format("e %s", constants.variants_yaml_filename))
+ end)
+ else
+ local default_yaml = require("cmake.lyaml").dump(config.variants)
+ utils.write_file(constants.variants_yaml_filename, default_yaml, function()
+ vim.schedule(function()
+ vim.cmd(string.format("e %s", constants.variants_yaml_filename))
+ end)
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
M.reset_project = function(opts)
- require("cmake.project").setup(opts)
+ require("cmake.project").setup(opts)
return M